Tree crops: Soil variation and its impact on irrigation strategies


Tree crops: Soil variation and its impact on irrigation strategies     by Gareth Glasspool, Senior Soil Scientist and Marnus Ferreira, Head of Soil Science Most producers over-irrigate As controversial as this may sound, it is true. To avoid this, all factors that impact irrigation must be understood and considered when deciding on an irrigation strategy. The […]

Sitrus sleep nie sewe sakke sout nie


LJ Venter, Hortoloog en Markus van Renssen, Hortoloog Die uitdaging van versoutingVersouting van gronde is ’n ernstige probleem in areas met ’n semi-droë klimaat. Versoute grond veroorsaak menige komplikasies, veral by sitrus, wat ’n produsent op direkte en indirekte wyse geld uit die sak kan jaag. Waar gronde met hoë-soutgehalte water (hoë EG) besproei word, […]

PICKLOGGER™ is a game changer 


Geskryf deur: Albert Bijker en Erald Amith PICKLOGGER™ is a game-changing device that helps farmers and their stakeholders to identify and manage various factors that affect the yields of hand-harvested crops. By recording and logging data points during harvesting, PICKLOGGER™ makes it possible for farmers to produce yield maps, giving them a clear picture of […]

Hoe jou avokadoboord kan baatvind by koolhidraatontledings

Avokado koolhidraatontledings

Geskryf deur: Dr Elmi Lötze, Hoof van ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES en ITEST™LEAF en Wilmé Brown, Plantfisioloog (Koolhidrate) Koolhidrate as fisiologiese indikator van plantstatus Die gebruik van koolhidraatontledings om plantprestasie te bestudeer is ’n gevestigde praktyk in die navorsingsomgewing (Wolstenholm, 1987; Whiley et al., 1988; Davie et al., 1995). Die keuse van die mees gepaste weefsels/ organe vir […]

Ontgin die onskatbare waarde van blou goud

Effektiewe waterbestuursplan

Geskryf deur:  Hestia Pienaar, Senior Agronoom Met besproeiing kom verantwoordelikheid  ’n Satelliet afstandwaarnemingstudie wat deur die WNK gedoen is, het berig dat 1 334 562 hektaar grond aktief in Suid-Afrika gedurende 2015 besproei is. Die landbou-industrie is onder konstante druk om verantwoording te doen oor die toekenning van hierdie water, asook om te verseker dat […]

Belangrikheid van energiebespuitings op sitrus


Geskryf deur:  Johan de Vries, Senior Hortoloog (Sitrus en tafeldruiwe) Volgens die Citrus Growers’ Association of South Africa se 2021/2022 verslag, was Suid-Afrika die wêreld se tweede grootste uitvoerder van vars sitrus gedurende die 2020/2021 asook 2021/2022 seisoene (CGA, 2021). Suid-Afrika se sitrusbedryf speel ’n belangrike rol in beide die ekonomie en die landbousektor van […]

Carbohydrates and nutrients on blueberries

Carbohydrates on blueberries

Written by:  Nina du Toit Horticulturist Carbohydrates produced during photosyn- thesis are widely recognised in plants for their crucial significance as energy sources and carbon foundations for organic molecules and storage components. They help with flower development, fruit set completion, berry growth, and shoot and root growth, among other things. Carbohydrates are synthesised by photosyn- […]

Why you should analyse your spray water

Analyse your spray water

Written by:  Allan Huysamen Technical Manager Adjuvants A comprehensive understanding of the quality of a specific water source destined for tank-mix applications can be the difference between the efficient and inefficient use of agrochemicals. Factors affecting agrochemical efficiency The quality of a specific body of water is defined by its chemical properties, which are directly related […]

Improve wheat yield with insights gained from soil classification

Soil Classification

Written by : Marnus Ferreira, Head of Soil Science Chad Todd, Soil Scientist Yield variation within a field Wheat yield can vary considerably within a field. Assuming a field has a similar aspect and slope across its entirety, it would be exposed to the same amount of sunlight and precipitation and receive the same seeding […]

Presisieboerderypraktyke: ’n Hupstoot vir aartappelverbouing in Suid-Afrika

Presisieboerderypraktyke bied ’n oplossing Daar is verskeie presisieboerderypraktyke wat ingespan kan word om meer effektief met aartappels te boer en insetkostes te beperk. Praktyke sluit in grondklassifikasie, grondchemiese analise, koolhidraat-, en grondgesondheidontledings, pes- en siektemonitering asook die gebruik van satellietbeelde. Hoofspeler in die groentebedryf Aartappelproduksie verteenwoordig ’n stewige 45% van Suid-Afrika se totale groenteproduksie en […]