Invloed van blaarvoeding op blominduksie en differensiasie van pekanneute

Deur Deon Claassen, Hortoloog, Agri Technovation   Opbrengs bepaal deur die graad van alternerende drag asook blom- en neutafspening: Een van die grootste uitdagings wat pekanneut- produsente in die gesig staar, is die gewas se geneigdheid tot alternerende drag. Alterne-rende drag by pekanneute word gewoonlik gekenmerk deur een seisoen met baie swaar drag (’n sogenaamde aanjaar), gevolg […]

Blueberries: Fruit quality

By Agustin Verdugo. Senior Horticulturalist: Latin America   The challenge Considering the popularity of blueberries, it is a key requirement for blueberry producers to produce the best possible fruit in terms of quality and condition that has the capacity to travel and reach the shelves of overseas supermarkets. Currently however, one of the major challenges faced […]

Grondtipes behoort jou keuse van genetika te beïnvloed

Deur Willem Eigenhuis / Marnus FerreiraHooflandboukundige: Grane / GrondkundigeAgri Technovation Dit is alombekend dat gewasproduksie moontlik direk gekoppel kan word aan grondtipe. Maar wat is die toepassing van grondklassifikasie in die graanbedryf? Genetika (in terme van hibriede) speel natuurlik ook ’n groot rol in die produksie van grane – iets wat elke boer nou al […]

Avokado blomme en vrugset – presisieboerdery kan help om opbrengste te Verhoog

Deur Jaques Landman Tegniese Bestuurder New Zealand Agri Technovation Inleiding Presisieboerdery het ’n algemene term geword vir die gebruik van satelliet-tegnologie wat geïntegreer is met ander hoë-tegnologie-toerusting om inligting van die oes-data te bekom en te interpreteer en dan toe te pas in vele fasette van boerdery praktyke soos die toediening van kunsmis en besproeiing, […]

Optimise plant growth and fertiliser-use efficiency with bio-fertilisers

By Stefan van Wyk,PhD Biotechnology (University of Pretoria)Head of Biological Research and Product Development for Victus Bio The rapid development of agriculture in recent decades relied mainly on improved crop varieties, modern irrigation methods, and new agrochemicals such as pesticides and fertilisers. However, that doesn’t imply that there isn’t room for new strategies and developments […]

Why calcium is so important to fruit and especially avocado


By Jaques LandmanTechnical ManagerAgri Technovation, New Zealand Calcium deficiency It is widely accepted that a sub-optimal supply of calcium (Ca), causes many physiological disorders in fruit, deficiencies in plants are seldom visually noticed. Disorders such as blossom end rot in tomato and pepper, bitter pith in apples, jelly seed in mango, grey pulp in avocado, black heart in celery, and […]

Blueberry significance

Deur Johnny ViviersAgronomistAgri Technovation Blueberries have become a very popular functional food and one of the most widely consumed fruits worldwide because of the unique taste, delicate flavour, high nutritional value, and various other health benefits they offer (Bornsek et al., 2012; Kong et al., 2014). The Fresh Plaza (2020) reports that South African exports for […]

Hoe om jou opbrengs-raaisels te ontsyfer

Deur Carl van HeerdenHoof Landboukundige: GroenteAgri Technovation As die wêreldwye vraag na gewasse so vinnig styg as wat sommige kenners voorspel, sal die oesopbrengs in die volgende paar dekades vinniger moet styg. Beter tegnologieë sal ’n deurslaggewende rol speel om opbrengste te verhoog, terwyl omgewingsimpakte tot die minimum beperk moet word. In die besonder sal presisie-landboutegnologieë ’n […]

Makadamia stresbestuur

Deur Marne de VriesHoof van Verkope: Kusgebiede / Hoofhortoloog Vrugte & NeuteAgri Technovation Wat veroorsaak stres in bome? Makadamias se oorspronklike natuurlike habitat is die suidelike kuslyn van Australië (sub-tropiese woud), waar die bome slegs groei tot klein of tot medium grootte. Die bome het ’n vlak wortelstelsel en kan voedingstowwe slegs in die boonste […]

The ITEST™ CARBOHYDRATES analysis program – a new tool for citrus growers

By Erik de Vries, Agri Technovation’s Joint CEO   Introduction  Photosynthesis is a process used by plants to convert light energy (sunlight) into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the plant’s activities. This chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules such as sugars, which are synthesised from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). The […]