Byvoegmiddels in landbou

Deur Allan Huysamen Tegniese Bestuurder – Byvoegmiddels Agri Technovation Bevorderingsmiddels het al ’n ver pad gestap vanaf die seepoplossings wat gebruik is op onkruid in die 1800s. Deesdae kan verskeie byvoegmiddels verskillende behoeftes vul om sodoende die doeltreffendheid van gewasbeskermingsprodukte, kunsmis, en ander spuitoplossings te verbeter. Byvoegmiddels kan sodoende bydra tot verlaagde oorhoofse kostes deur […]
Rol van koolhidraatvlakke met opbrengs in avokadoboorde

Geskryf deur Jaques LandmanDirekteur & Tegniese Besturder by Agri Technovation Die avokado (Persea americana) word gekenmerk deur sy voedsame vlees, wat ’n buitengewone hoë inhoud van onversadigde olie (van 20% tot 30%, vars gewig) bevat, asook sy enkele groot saad. Beide die hoë olie-inhoud en die groot saad, vereis ’n hoë energie-inset, wat voorsien word […]
Carbohydrate analysis with Agri Technovation

Written by Enzo Jansen Van Rensburg (BSc. Agri) The exciting and new leaf and root carbohydrate (CHO) analysis technology was launched in March 2020 by Agri Technovation. The technology is ground-breaking, proudly South African and based on scientific research developed over many years. The Analysis programme is as far we have established a first in […]
Why leaf & soil sampling are important

Written by Jaques LandmanDirector & Technical ManagerAgri Technovation New Zealand Nutrient deficiency or excess will cause trees to grow poorly and produce sub-optimal yields and/or poor fruit quality. For this reason, diagnosis of potential nutritional problems should be a yearly routine for fruit-growing farmers. Quantifying nutrients in soils and trees (leaf testing) eliminates assumptions when […]