ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES-ontledings vir kernvrugte


ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES-ontledings vir kernvrugte deur Dr. Elmi Lötze, Hoof van ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES en ITEST™LEAF en Wilmé Brown, Plantfisioloog Biologiese indikator vir bestuursbesluite Die ITEST™CARBOHYDRATES-diens is nou ook beskikbaar vir pere en appels. Alhoewel die invloed van koolhidrate op kernvrugverbouing reeds jare lank plaaslik ondersoek word, was daar nog nooit voorheen ’n kommersiële diens beskikbaar wat die benutting […]

Data-ontginning in graan: Optimale wins bestuur


Data-ontginning in graan: Optimale wins bestuur by Coenraad Janse van Rensburg, Data Wetenskaplike, Theuns van Wyk, Grondkundige en Marnus Ferreira, Hoof van Grondkunde Ontgin die potensiaal van jou grond Agri Technovation meet die waarde van grondklassifikasie en grondvrugbaarheid asook die invloed van die grond-fisiese en grond-chemiese eienskappe op oesopbrengs.  Grondklassifikasie dryf ingeligte bewerkings– en bestuurspraktyke, […]

The RELEASE LPH™ range of products


The RELEASE LPH™ range of products by Rochelle Thuynsma, Senior Product Manager Complex biological biostimulants for crop production Understanding the importance of plant nutrients and ensuring effective uptake by the plant, is essential for anyone interested in successfully cultivating healthy and productive crops. These nutrients are crucial for plant growth, development and reproduction, while nutrient […]

Inoculation of legumes

Inoculation of legumes

Inoculation of legumes by Neil Smit, Senior Agronomist, and Stefan van Wyk, Head of Biological Research and Product Development, Victus The need for nitrogen Nitrogen is an essential macronutrient required for the growth and development of plants. All vital processes in plants need nitrogen as a main building block in proteins and enzymes. It can […]

Almond mineral nutrition


Almond mineral nutrition by Antonio Perez Ortiz, Senior Agronomist Agri Technovation, California Considerable research has been conducted on the fundamentals of mineral plant nutrition for almond trees. The objective of this article is to provide a concise overview of the knowledge gained by the industry and to offer insights on what producers need to consider […]

Bedek! Of Gebrek


Bedek! Of gebrek By André Strauss, Hoof van Grondmikrobiologie Wat is ’n dekgewas? Net soos die vel van die mens beskadig word deur die radiasie van sonstrale, word grond ook beskadig indien dit nie bedek word nie. Een van die beste “sonbrandrome” vir grond is die plant van dekgewasse. Dekgewasse verwys na enige plantpopulasie wat […]

Tree crops: Soil variation and its impact on irrigation strategies


Tree crops: Soil variation and its impact on irrigation strategies     by Gareth Glasspool, Senior Soil Scientist and Marnus Ferreira, Head of Soil Science Most producers over-irrigate As controversial as this may sound, it is true. To avoid this, all factors that impact irrigation must be understood and considered when deciding on an irrigation strategy. The […]

Sitrus sleep nie sewe sakke sout nie


LJ Venter, Hortoloog en Markus van Renssen, Hortoloog Die uitdaging van versoutingVersouting van gronde is ’n ernstige probleem in areas met ’n semi-droë klimaat. Versoute grond veroorsaak menige komplikasies, veral by sitrus, wat ’n produsent op direkte en indirekte wyse geld uit die sak kan jaag. Waar gronde met hoë-soutgehalte water (hoë EG) besproei word, […]

PICKLOGGER™ is a game changer 


Geskryf deur: Albert Bijker en Erald Amith PICKLOGGER™ is a game-changing device that helps farmers and their stakeholders to identify and manage various factors that affect the yields of hand-harvested crops. By recording and logging data points during harvesting, PICKLOGGER™ makes it possible for farmers to produce yield maps, giving them a clear picture of […]

Meet, verstaan, verbeter – PICKLOGGER™ en MYSOIL CLASSIFICATION™

Meet verstaan verbeter

Geskryf deur:  Marnus Ferreira, Hoof van Grondkunde PICKLOGGER™ en MYSOIL CLASSIFICATION™ Hierdie artikel fokus op drie aksies of konsepte soos in die titel uiteengesit: meet, verstaan en verbeter. Saam vorm hierdie drie aksies die beste metode huidig beskikbaar om opbrengs betekenisvol te verbeter, veral in ’n boerdery wat reeds goed presteer. Dit gee die produsent die vermoë om die basiese […]