Variërende toediening gebaseer op jou grond

Variërende toediening gebaseer op jou grond By Marnus Ferreira, Technical Head of Soil Science and Itest Soil Opbrengsdata steeds ’n gewilde keuse Die toediening van variërende grondreg- stellings soos kalk en gips, is niks nuuts in die landboubedryf nie en die voordele daarvan in terme van kostebesparings en grondvrug- baarheid, is alombekend. Steeds maak ons […]
Effective foliar formulations for plant physiological response

Effective foliar formulations for plant physiological response By Rochelle Thuynsma, Head of Products: Technical, Agri Technovation Introduction Nutrient uptake, transport and final assimilation are key factors in determining foliar fertiliser efficacy, however, the efficacy of the nutrient applied is determined by the ultimate plant physio- logical effects (1). In determining the efficacy of foliar-applied fertilisers, […]
Transforming agriculture through satellite imagery

Transforming agriculture through satellite imagery By Werner Coetzee, Head of Yield: PICKLOGGER™, IFLY™, PPM™ In the ever-evolving agriculture landscape, the emergence of satellite im- agery has sparked a transformative revolution for producers worldwide. One such ground-breaking service, IFLY VERDE™ by Airbus, is reshaping the way we perceive and manage crop cultivation. Unveiling IFLY VERDE™ A […]