Sitrus sleep nie sewe sakke sout nie


LJ Venter, Hortoloog en Markus van Renssen, Hortoloog Die uitdaging van versoutingVersouting van gronde is ’n ernstige probleem in areas met ’n semi-droë klimaat. Versoute grond veroorsaak menige komplikasies, veral by sitrus, wat ’n produsent op direkte en indirekte wyse geld uit die sak kan jaag. Waar gronde met hoë-soutgehalte water (hoë EG) besproei word, […]

Kiwifruit – The importance of the correct nutrition programme

By Michael FrenchAgri Technovation Agronomist With the correct nutrition programme, high yields of good quality, nutritious kiwifruit are well within reach. However, as any experienced grower will  attest, get the nutrition wrong and kiwifruit plants can make life difficult in a number  of ways that could impact many years of  production: delivering a season of […]